Announcing our Annual Event
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the formation of apithology as a field of research. You are invited to the Event marking the occasion.
Register here:
For significant milestones, we have previously marked the moment with a practitioner retreat or a formal reflective presentation.
This year we are doing both – each to be held on International Apithology Day on 16 October, 2024.
For the formal reflection, we are hosting an informal 20Y Event webinar – Apitholo - Twenty Years and Twenty Learnings.
The webinar will be mostly a presentation. There will be less face to face interaction. There is no expectation of audience participation. It is being recorded. It may not be uploaded.
The intention (of this different format) is that the Event itself will be transcribed and transformed into an article for publication in ‘Aspects of Apithology: The Journal of Apithological Practice’. The 20Y Event is a prompt to make that collection of learnings available for future researchers. A bookmark in time.
Originally, there was nothing magic in the set of Twenty Learnings collected. They were not chronological (ie one per year in sequence). They were not necessarily easily collated into familiar categories. They were also not the most significant discoveries, which would require other learnings, to appreciate in a brief presentation. However, their meta-reflection has now revealed the significance of the set as a collation.
They represent surprising (and sometimes frustratingly inconvenient) insights gathered through our extensive inquiry into how generative humanity learning enables human futures.
These are the knowledges, that apithology as a field now finds familiar, yet still seem to perplex the ‘best of the best’ in their heart-felt humanitarian endeavours. The benefits of humanity learning enable the advancing of human concertings.
I like that word 'concerting' - its the present participle (continuously active) verb form of concert :
1. A performance given by one or more performers. 2.a. agreement in purpose, feeling, or action. b. unity achieved by mutual communication of views, ideas, and opinions. c. concerted action: to plan or arrange by mutual agreement. 3. To adjust; settle, to act together in harmony. 4. arranging: to actively bring about through discussion and compromise.
A 'concerting' is a collective enactment of human efforting. Something worthy of more insightful enabling ...
The 20Y Event also marks a new period of recommencement for apithology.
Each five-year milestone has heralded a transition in trajectory, some anticipated, and others only understood in reflection much later by new discoveries.
More about that … at the conclusion of our webinar.
Dr. Will Varey
Director for Research
Apitholo ~ The Centre for Humanity Learning
Categories: : Event