Questions to Apitholo #40

Further questions to apitholo, about apithology and humanity inquiry ...

Question #40 – What is the path of those aware of apithology to start?

There are three parts to this excellent question. Each of which deserves equal attention.

First, there is the clarification about finding the correct path. In apithology learning there is an understanding of two distinct but similar concepts, that may seem strange to be held together.

One concept is that each learner will follow their own unique path. How they approach each learning and the amount of time they find necessary for a specific step is personal to them, informed by their life history and present circumstances. Because in generative learning a simple step in knowledge gaining has past integrative and future prescient elements, individual learning does not follow modularised timings. There is an open permission for frequent meandering and each person’s meaningful lingering.

The other concept is all these learning experiences occur within a humanity pathway. This wider pathway contains all generative humanity learning dependencies. Unlike the path, the pathway unfolds for all in the same way. It holds and accommodates our individual meanderings. The path is yours for you to find. The pathway is the traversing of all paths within a commonality, as one convergence of learning, by a humanity. Apithology holds both equally.

Second, the question mentions commencement for those who are aware. There are two nuances to this part of the question. A key discovering regarding the capacity for the receptive cognisance of apithology relates to the initial threshold between awareness and obliviousness. Distinctively, being told of the existence of apithology does not ensure awareness. Some will not even notice the distinction, the newness or any difference. Becoming aware, that generative potentials occur, that humanity inquiry is available, and humanity learning commences at a place beyond personal meaning, is itself a commencement point. Awareness is not just of the existence of the field. It is an awareness of the existence of the choice it makes available, and what this choice enables.

Third, the question mentions a desire ‘to start’. This contains a recognition that, by definition, movement into the domain of apithology practice represents a different horizon of inquiry, not a continuation of learning assertions held personally. In this context, commencement is distinguished from visiting, sampling, looking at, checking out, or attempting while anticipating exiting. The path into apithology is one that requests us to begin differently, with generative coherency, even if initially this is attempted nervously and inexpertly. 

This is because of the significance coherency holds in the fulfillment of generative trajectories of becoming. Partially formed attempting is merely a continuation of what human learning is already doing. There is, in addition, a profound instruction around how ‘correct commencement’ leads to and is informed by ‘correct continuance’. In a generative learning inquiry, the end and the beginning are not separate or separated. To start, is to begin, so as to continue.

Because of all that is now known about how we (individually and collectively) move from individual gaining to a sense of humanity becoming, the role of Apitholo is to make commencement of this learning more easily available. This is a literacy for those with a caring for humanity. It is available for the wise to approach openly and astutely.

All those who recognise and desire this new path, who become aware and are ready to start, will each commence with three questions. They concern expectation, motivation and eventuation. These represent the formation of our originating conception on arriving. They precede astute entering. From this, all else is, and will be, determined.

#humanitycontributive #humanitylearning #apithology

Apitholo ~The Centre for Humanity Learning

"Pathways for the Humanity Contributive"

“If you hold some of apithology’s questions, you may as well ask for all of its answers.” - willvarey

Categories: : Questions