Report on the conclusion of our monthly humanity inquiry call ...
At the conclusion of our Calling Circle, being our monthly year long (most recently done) humanity-inquiry, we called for one question that may have come up for each of the participants.
As we have learned doing the Twenty Questions to Apitholo (Link), our questions are an indication of our conception. They do not need to be answered, only held well, and seen as contributive to the collection of perspectives.
However ...
- the questions on conclusion of our twelve months of Calling Circle, integrating ten levels of unfoldment in traits of the Humanity Contributive, had a different quality.
So here unanswered, are the questions immediately asked:
How does one know if they are called to this inquiry uniquely?
What are the traits of the Humanity Contributive you yourself have and express mostly (or are missing)?
If there are set traits in sequential unfoldments, what does it mean to miss one/not hold one?
Are these traits inherent latencies for all, or uniquely gifted skills, to be developed individually?
Is there any correlation with ego development, moral development or abstract intelligences?
What does it mean if all of human activity is only ever directed towards pathology remediation?
How long can human society continue (ethically or feasibly) without a theory of humanity nurturance?
If this is the answer to the whom question, what is the answer to the when dimension?
What does development of these traits do for us personally and for potentiation universally?
Does human consciousness prevent (by design) the perception of humanity nurturance?
Is humanity-cognizance a distinguishable human ‘intelligence’ (i.e. similar to musicality)?
Is there a necessity for a continuing practice to sustain and integrate this? (or is it a do once)
What form are the Ten Characteristics to be taught as and what prior learnings are a requirement?
How could we teach or share the holding practice so that others can curate this inquiry?
Are the qualities of the holder of the Calling Circle any different from those who are called?
Now that Calling Circle is extant, discovered from unknowing, what does this enable for Humanity Becoming?
How can we encourage the unfoldment of all the contributive learnings we have now generated?
How do we discover the iterative process in and within us as part of the unfolding practice?
How would we notice if we actively embodied the care and compassion of humanity contribution?
How might the called give themselves permission to do this practice without already experiencing it?
What are the implications for apitholo now we understand the ‘what, who and why’ for all this?
In generative humanity learning, there is not a premise of problems and solutions, where each closure of definition leads to the next immediate absence as a presenting deficiency. The sense of relief we have when resolving a tension, is at all times replaced in apithology, by the ease of generative becoming.
But to do this, one has to be (or become) profoundly comfortable with the unanswered question, holding an inquiry for what it reveals next, not what it removes from our past.
The recent Calling Circle insights come from a larger inquiry, begun with an open premise. What this has revealed may be (momentarily) beyond us.
"From our good questions, may great investigations follow ..."
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