Report on our monthly humanity inquiry call ...
We held the eleventh in our series of monthly humanity-inquiry calls on 16 May 2024. This is the final practice session in this series. There are some surprising conclusions and more familiar recognitions.
In this last inquiry we explored the indicia of humanity contribution that commences from a place without identity separation. What this means is by doing primarily for the wellbeing of all, there is also a benefitting of self, equally as a humanity participant.
There is an expression for this in apithology practice being 'one-caring'. This is the idea that by encompassing all of the forms of caring done for others, there is also a caring for a humanity.
This concept sounds immediately sensible, yet the authentic expression of it is more profound. So profound, we are not sure it can be expressed easily in terms of ordinary understanding. This is the surprise finding.
People know caring as they are. The humanity contributive hold caring as is asked for (see article). The difference is in the premise of practice, as to the 'for whom' that is held at the centre of the asking.
This marks an overarching ethic that we can at all times be holding.
The familiar part of our culminating inquiry, was that the indicia for this Tenth Unfoldment was known by apithology practice almost a decade ago. In a paper titled: "The Apithology of Humanity Psychology" (ISSS 2015) on the ethics of generative practice the observation is made:
“Something very different happens when we begin our collective inquiries from this de-centered premise. To undertake inquiries ‘as, with, for’ has become an ethical convention in generative systems participation." (p.17)
The distinctiveness of humanity-centric practice is that conduct is focussed on the benefit to all. By looking to generative humanity capacities, there is a move away from the remediation of human caused pathologies.
From this place of concluding, we find we are once again newly beginning ...
#humanitylearning #humanityinquiry #humanitycontributive
Dr. Will Varey
Apitholo - The Centre for Humanity Learning
"Pathways for the Humanity Contributive"
Categories: : Meeting